- import { fixLineBreaks } from './vttparser';
- import type { CaptionScreen, Row } from './cea-608-parser';
- import { generateCueId } from './webvtt-parser';
- import { addCueToTrack } from './texttrack-utils';
- const WHITESPACE_CHAR = /\s/;
- export interface CuesInterface {
- newCue(
- track: TextTrack | null,
- startTime: number,
- endTime: number,
- captionScreen: CaptionScreen
- ): VTTCue[];
- }
- const Cues: CuesInterface = {
- newCue(
- track: TextTrack | null,
- startTime: number,
- endTime: number,
- captionScreen: CaptionScreen
- ): VTTCue[] {
- const result: VTTCue[] = [];
- let row: Row;
- // the type data states this is VTTCue, but it can potentially be a TextTrackCue on old browsers
- let cue: VTTCue;
- let indenting: boolean;
- let indent: number;
- let text: string;
- const Cue = (self.VTTCue || self.TextTrackCue) as any;
- for (let r = 0; r < captionScreen.rows.length; r++) {
- row = captionScreen.rows[r];
- indenting = true;
- indent = 0;
- text = '';
- if (!row.isEmpty()) {
- for (let c = 0; c < row.chars.length; c++) {
- if (WHITESPACE_CHAR.test(row.chars[c].uchar) && indenting) {
- indent++;
- } else {
- text += row.chars[c].uchar;
- indenting = false;
- }
- }
- // To be used for cleaning-up orphaned roll-up captions
- row.cueStartTime = startTime;
- // Give a slight bump to the endTime if it's equal to startTime to avoid a SyntaxError in IE
- if (startTime === endTime) {
- endTime += 0.0001;
- }
- if (indent >= 16) {
- indent--;
- } else {
- indent++;
- }
- const cueText = fixLineBreaks(text.trim());
- const id = generateCueId(startTime, endTime, cueText);
- // If this cue already exists in the track do not push it
- if (!track || !track.cues || !track.cues.getCueById(id)) {
- cue = new Cue(startTime, endTime, cueText);
- = id;
- cue.line = r + 1;
- cue.align = 'left';
- // Clamp the position between 10 and 80 percent (CEA-608 PAC indent code)
- //
- // Firefox throws an exception and captions break with out of bounds 0-100 values
- cue.position = 10 + Math.min(80, Math.floor((indent * 8) / 32) * 10);
- result.push(cue);
- }
- }
- }
- if (track && result.length) {
- // Sort bottom cues in reverse order so that they render in line order when overlapping in Chrome
- result.sort((cueA, cueB) => {
- if (cueA.line === 'auto' || cueB.line === 'auto') {
- return 0;
- }
- if (cueA.line > 8 && cueB.line > 8) {
- return cueB.line - cueA.line;
- }
- return cueA.line - cueB.line;
- });
- result.forEach((cue) => addCueToTrack(track, cue));
- }
- return result;
- },
- };
- export default Cues;